
毅行路線: 獅子亭 至 CP7:鉛礦坳 經 針草山 (約19公里)

1. 黃大仙地鐵站 沙田坳-獅子亭 (2公里)
2. 沙田坳-獅子亭(M101) CP5: 畢架山 (M109) (4.2公里)
3. CP5: 畢架山 (M109) CP6: 走私坳警察射擊場 (M120) (6.1公里)
4. CP6: 走私坳警察射擊場 (M120) CP7: 鉛礦坳 (M136) (8.7公里)
5. CP7: 鉛礦坳 (M136) 城門水塘-菠蘿壩-小巴站 ( 5.1公里)

* 以上距離及標距柱號碼僅作參考

剛開始練習時, 除了西貢的一, 二段, 由獅子亭到鉛礦坳的這段路, 可說是另一入門路線, 尤其作為長課練習. 因為若狀態不佳的話, 沿途有幾個地方都能方便離開. 像大埔公路, 城門水塘燒烤場. 而針山草山的一段, 其難度亦不下於雞公山. 加上那一帶的路段相互貫通, 可因應情況而調整難度. 例如像選擇略過針山或草山到達鉛礦坳, 或略過草山返回塘門水塘之類.

如果走到鉛礦坳, 時間體能水源皆可的話, 亦可繼續挑戰大帽山, 在荃錦公路離開 (或繼續?!)
城門水塘燒烤場有自動販賣的汽水機, 菠蘿壩小巴站附近有士多, 可作補給.

毅行者賽事期間, 由獅子亭到城門水塘的一段, 幾乎是下山又沒什麼起伏, 算是回氣舒緩一下, 然後走針草帽, 作最後的拼搏.

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1. 黃大仙地鐵站 沙田坳-獅子亭
往沙田坳獅子亭的路線有很多, 這只是其中之一. 由黃大仙地鐵站出發之路程較長, 若想縮短路程:
a)      在黃大仙地站 E出口 那邊的小巴站, 坐小巴#18M至慈雲山-法藏寺, 沿沙田坳道步行而上.
b)      在慈雲山()巴士總站側, 沿梯級上山.
c)      於黃大仙(盈鳳里)搭乘班次限制的居民服務巴士#NR806, 直達獅子亭.

地鐵站一帶都有商店超市, 十分便利. 而在獅子亭亦有士多, 廁所. 唯士多一般於早上約11時才營業. 而毅行者賽事期間則無休, 如果時間能夠配合, 這裡會是個很好的補給點, 無需支援隊.

2. 沙田坳-獅子亭(M101) CP5: 畢架山 (M109) [部分麥徑第五段]
進入獅子山郊野公園, 剛開始又要爬階梯而上, 開始感覺辛苦的時候, 便發現原來快到頂端. 之後山路的起伏亦沒有很大, 而且可以看到山下的城市景色, 分散了注意.

毅行者賽事期間, CP4:基維爾營外, 不少隊伍亦會選擇在CP5:畢架山作補眠休息, 如有需要, 可向工作人員拿毛毯保暖. 這個檢查站一般有番薯糖水, 薑荼及鴨咀梨供應.

3. CP5: 畢架山 (M109) CP6: 走私坳警察射擊場 (M120) (部分麥徑第五及六段)
離開畢架山檢查站, 一直都是下坡路, 途經兩大階梯, 走過山林, 便到大埔公路. 這裡可算是與支援隊會合的熱點之一, 因為交通便利, 另亦因CP6: 走私坳警察射擊場離馬路較遠之故.

練習時若狀態不佳, 可在大埔公路離開.

4. CP6: 走私坳警察射擊場 (M121) CP7: 鉛礦坳 (M136) (部分麥徑第六及七段)
這段若是挨過了針山草山, 距離成功可說是只差一步, 大帽山. 在鉛礦坳的檢查站有杯麵免費供應, 可先補給一下再好好上路. 支援隊可組團在城門水塘燒烤場邊燒烤邊等待隊員到來, 那便不用無聊白等.

練習時若狀態不佳, 可在城門水塘的燒烤場步行至菠蘿壩離開, 路上偶爾有的士經過. 過了針山之後可往沙田方向離開, 或繞回城門水塘主壩/ 菠蘿壩. 亦可在不經草山的情況下, 走到鉛礦坳. 那一帶的路段相互貫通, 可因應情況而調整難度.

5. CP7: 鉛礦坳 (M136) 城門水塘-菠蘿壩-小巴站
沿著衞奕信徑第7, 可往大埔或城門水塘方向離開. 往大埔方向的路程較短, 但下坡的一段都是山路, 亂石挺多, 天黑時要多加小心. 往城門水塘方向則幾乎都是馬路,

# 以上乃個人意見, 如果錯漏, 煩請指教交流~
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# 參考連結:
>>> 麥理浩徑路段詳情 郊野樂行 [詳情
>>> 麥理浩徑 pdf地圖 [第五段] [第六段] [第七段] – 郊野樂行

>>> 居民服務巴士 #NR806 - 運輸署: 沙田觀音花園 - 黃大仙 (盈鳳里 ) [詳情]
>>> 九巴 #72: 太和總站 <> 長沙灣 [詳情]
>>> 九巴 #81: 禾輋 <> 佐敦(渡華路) [詳情]

(English version please click below link)

Trailwalker Route: Lion Pavilion to CP7: Lead Mine Pass via Needle & Grass Hill (about 19km)

1. Wong Tai Sin MTR station to Lion Pavilion at Sha Tin Pass [about 2km]
2. Lion Pavilion at Sha Tin Pass(M101) to CP5: Beacon Hill (M109) [about 4.2km]
3. CP5: Beacon Hill (M109) to CP6: Smugglers Ridge Rifle Range (M120) [6.1km]
4. CP6: Smugglers Ridge Rifle Range (M120) to CP7: Lead Mine Pass (M136) [8.7km]
5. CP7: Lead Mine Pass (M136) to Pineapple Dam minibus station of Jubilee (Shing Mun) Reservoir [about 5.1km]
* All distances and distance post markings are for reference only.

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At the beginning of training, except the first two sections of MacLehose Trail in Sai Kung. The section from Lion Pavilion at Sha Tin Pass to Lead Mine Pass is another good choice especially for long distance training. There are few exit points like Tai Po Road-Piper’s Hill or the BBQ site at Jubilee (Shing Mun) Reservoir etc. Just in case feeling not well during the training and can leave easily. Moreover, the difficulty of Needle Hill and Grass Hill is not less than Kai Kung Shan. And the roads at that area are interconnected, thus the route can be changed depends on conditions. Such as go to Lead Mine Pass not via Needle Hill, Grass Hill, or back to Jubilee (Shing Mun) Reservoir skipping Grass Hill.

When arrive Lead Mine Pass, the time is still early with fitness and enough water, can keep challenging the Tai Mo Shan and leave at Tsuen Kam Road (or keep going?!) There are vending machines for drinks at the BBQ site at Jubilee (Shing Mun) Reservoir. There is food kiosk near Pineapple Dam minibus station as well.

During trailwalker event day, the section from Lion Pavilion to Jubilee (Shing Mun) Reservoir, it’s mainly downhill and not hilly, so it’s a good chance for recovery and gets ready for the last challenge: Needle Hill, Grass Hill and Tai Mo Shan.

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1. Wong Tai Sin MTR station to Lion Pavilion at Sha Tin Pass [about 2km]
It’s so many ways to go to Lion Pavilion at Sha Tin Pass and this is one of the suggestions. It’s a bit far to walk from Wong Tai Sin MTR station, for shorter one, you can:
a)      Take minibus #18M at the minibus station near Wong Tai Sin MTR exit E, get off at Tsz Wan Shan - Fat Jong Temple (Buddhist temple), then walk up along Sha Tin Pass to get there.
b)      Take the stair next to the Tsz Wan Shan (North) Bus Terminus.
c)      Take Residents' Services bus # NR806 at Wong Tai Sin (Ying Fung Lane) and get off at Lion Pavilion, but it’s with limited services.

There are lots of shops around MTR station, very convenient. There is a food kiosk and public toilet at Lion Pavilion. Normally the food kiosk will open at about 11am, but it always open during trailwalker event day. If the time is matched, it’s an ideal point for breakfast break etc.

2. Lion Pavilion at Sha Tin Pass(M101) to CP5: Beacon Hill (M109) [about 4.5km]
Entering Lion Rock Country Park, there is a stair going up. Once you start getting tired, and you’re nearly reaching the top. After that, not much climbing on the way and the beautiful city view will draw away your attention.

During trailwalker event day, some of the teams will take a long break at CP5: Bacon Hill apart from CP4: Gilwell Campsite. You can ask the helpers for blanket if need. Normally this check point supply with sweet potato soup, ginger tea and Chinese pear (pyrus brestschneideri).

3. CP5: Beacon Hill (M109) to CP6: Smugglers Ridge Rifle Range (M120) [6.1km]
After leaving CP5: Beacon Hill, it’s downhill all the way, passing 2 long stairs and going pass the trees then you will reach Tai Po Road (Piper’s Hill). Here is one of the hottest spots of meet up the support team as it’s very convenient and also CP6: Smugglers Ridge Rifle Range is a bit far away from the main road.

If you’re feeling no good during training, you can take the bus to leave at Tai Po Road (Piper’s Hill).

4. CP6: Smugglers Ridge Rifle Range (M120) to CP7: Lead Mine Pass (M136) [8.7km]
As long as you can go through the Needle Hill and Grass Hill, there is only one step left to the success, Tai Mo Shan. At the CP7: Lead Mine Pass, cup noodles are free to eat so that you can have enough energy for this final challenge. It’s quite good for the support team to have BBQ gathering at the BBQ site at Jubilee (Shing Mun) Reservoir and wait for the teammates.

If you feeling no good during the training, you can stop at the BBQ site at Jubilee (Shing Mun) Reservoir and walk to Pineapple Dam minibus station. On the way may have taxi pass by. After Needle Hill, there is a way to Shatin, or can walk back to the main Dam/ Pineapple Dam. You can also go to Lead Mine Pass without via Grass Hill. The roads at that area are interconnected, thus the route can be changed depends on conditions.

5. CP7: Lead Mine Pass (M136) to Pineapple Dam minibus station of Jubilee (Shing Mun) Reservoir [about 5.1km]
Following the path of Wilson Trail section 7, you can leave Lead Mine Pass to the direction of Tai Po or Jubilee (Shing Mun) Reservoir. It’s a bit shorter distance to Tai Po, but it’s a rough downhill road with rocks, you should be very careful if it’s dark. The way to Jubilee (Shing Mun) Reservoir is mainly concrete road.

# Personal opinion only, if any mistakes, please kindly advise~
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# references: 
>>> MacLehose Trail sections info – Enjoy Hiking [info]
>>> MacLehose Trail PDF map [Section 5] [Section 6] [Section 7] – Enjoy Hiking

>>> Residents' Services bus # NR806: Kwun Yam Garden, Sha Tin - Wong Tai Sin (Ying Fung Lane) [info]
>>> KMB bus #72: Tai Wo Bus Terminus <> Cheung Sha Wan [info]
>>> KMB bus #81: Wo Che Bus Terminus <> Jordan (To Wah Road) [info]

tam © 2014.08.11

